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Why I Stopped Intuitive Writing

  • Post category:New Age Deception
  • Reading time:10 mins read

I used to love waking up at 3am or 4am by chance, making coffee, and curling up on the couch with a blanket to write. This was my idea of heaven. I treasured the quiet time, easily filling 10-12 pages in my notebook. What a reward for the jolt awake in the dead of the night. Or so I thought.

Before I show you an example of intuitive writing (also known as automatic writing) and explain why I no longer practice this type of writing, I want to break things down a little.

What is intuitive writing?

Intuitive writing is writing without a plan or topic in mind, releasing all expectations, and allowing the words to flow. Essentially, you’re allowing your “intuition” to guide your writing. Sounds innocent enough, right?

That’s what I thought, too. I was really into it. And to be fair, I wrote some beautiful pieces – sometimes I’d read them over and think, Wow, did I actually write that?! I felt inspired to “tap in” and write to my heart’s content after watching some of Lee Harris’s videos on YouTube. Lee is an energy intuitive and a channeler, best known for channeling the “Zs,” a galactic group of spiritual guides known for their connection to universal consciousness.

Or so, the narrative goes.

You can probably tell where I’m going with this. Lee is one of many spiritual teachers who encourage intuitive writing. Like I said, it sounds perfectly fine and harmless. (As most New Age practices appear early on). Now, here’s where it gets interesting because I gradually moved from free-flow writing to automatic writing without being aware of it.

And that’s the danger.

The dark side of automatic writing

Here’s what automatic writing is described as:

“Automatic writing is a technique that allows individuals to express their subconscious thoughts without editing. Often associated with spiritualism and artistic movements, it helps access deeper thoughts and creativity. Practitioners may enter a trance-like state through meditation or free association. The resulting writing is spontaneous and unfiltered, revealing insights the writer may not consciously recognise.”

So, essentially, you are clearing your mind and allowing yourself to connect with what you believe are your “spirit guides” or “higher self.” It’s a claimed psychic ability and a way of channeling information.

This is NOT light.

And I thought it was. I thought I was increasing my spiritual awareness, growing in my psychic abilities, raising my consciousness, and accessing higher realms.

What changed for me

Since turning my life to Jesus and having the scales lifted even further from my eyes, I can see the deception and the lure of simple practices like this. It’s a hook because it feels so good in the moment. You get instant gratification and you want more.

The problem is, you actually don’t know what you’re connecting with.

I used to believe I was channeling my higher self or spirit guides. I’d sit and meditate before writing, asking for guidance and inner wisdom, and then let the words pour out of me.

I was so excited. For months I followed this early morning ritual, furiously scribbling intuitive thoughts and poems as they arrived. I had so many pieces that I decided to put them into a book and sell them.

But that all changed in December 2024.

When I turned my life around and decided to follow Jesus, all my desires to publish this book of poems disappeared. I couldn’t do it; I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to promote or encourage writing that didn’t feel like my own; that felt deceptive or dark.

Let me show you what I mean…

An example of intuitive writing

Here’s an automatic/intuitive piece I wrote after meditating sometime last year. It was one of my favourites and I was excited to put it in the book. I want you to read it carefully.

  • Notice the type of language used
  • Look at the tone
  • Focus on the bold parts

This is NOT how I naturally speak or write.

Some things that stand out for me

When I reflect on this piece, here’s what stands out:

  1. I’m being told that time is made up and that everything I experience is an illusion in my mind. This is a very common New Age and New Thought belief – and often used as spiritual gaslighting.
  2. I’m encouraged to believe that I can transport my consciousness out of my body wherever I imagine it.
  3. I’m told to step into a void.

All of this feels so strange to me now.

At the time, though, it felt like euphoric bliss. I thought I’d tapped into the highest spiritual realms. But now I see that the language, tone, and ideas are nothing of God and nothing good. It reeks of false light. I now know differently because the Holy Spirit has revealed things to me, and I’ve done my own research.

“Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).

New Age is a prime example of this deception.

How else would it hook people who genuinely want to do good in the world, heal themselves, grow spiritually, and feel more connected? Satan doesn’t show up as a red devil with a pitchfork. He attacks the mind, plays on emotions, and deceives in enchanting ways.

I’ve experienced this first-hand.

And it’s a big reason I feel called to share the content I do as part of my testimony.

This isn’t to say I’ll NEVER journal again – I will. But I definitely won’t meditate or get into a trans-like state beforehand, or summon entities to write “with me.”

As humans, I believe we already have the natural ability to reflect and create. We don’t need supernatural guidance – at least not the kind that comes from dark or false light. What we really need is to learn how to tune out distractions and self-doubt.

We don’t need to complicate writing.

We don’t need to turn it into a weird, spiritual ritual that may open all sorts of doors.

Instead, we can trust the gifts God has already given us – the ability to create, express, and connect – without inviting darkness into the process.

Further resources

If you’d like to know more about this subject with extra context, here’s a great article I found: Messages from Beyond: What’s Wrong With Automatic Writing?

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Melanie Chisnall

Blogging like it's 2012. Sharing real life and deep dives on topics I care about (like my New Age to Faith journey). Flat white, raw conversations and nature, please.