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Lessons from my job-searching journey: What’s different this time around

  • Post category:Life Chapters
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Real talk? Job searching after five years is no joke. Job searching at 42 is no joke either.

It’s cut-throat out there. So much has changed since I applied for my last role in 2020. And to be fair, I’ve changed, too. The old me would’ve spent days making a pretty CV and relied on a friendly demeanour to land an interview. Talk about focusing on the wrong things.

Life can reveal things about yourself – if you’re open to them. Sure, you can ignore them and try to force a set narrative until one day the floodgates open and you’re brought to your knees wondering where it all went wrong. Welcome to my life last year. The year I boldly announced I was (definitely) launching a life coaching business for the fourth time in the same amount of years. (You can’t say I didn’t try).

Now, that door has banged shut and I’m excited about working with people again.

As in a team – beyond a cozy 1:1 Zoom call.

The resounding call for collaboration

Something weird happened after I made a change in my spiritual beliefs last year. I’d convinced myself that solopreneurship was it. Now, I’m self-motivated by nature and I’ve started plenty of brands – and even run a small business – over the years. I love the creative freedom.

What I don’t love?

Feeling isolated.

Yup. I’m as surprised as the next person reading this. I genuinely miss collaborating with people. There’s something so rewarding about brainstorming ideas, sharing knowledge, learning, teaching and growing together. I’ve come to realise there’s only so much I can do on my own.

Maybe that’s because my values have shifted. When I was deep into my spiritual practices and working towards building a coaching business, I felt like my life’s mission was to guide others to live with more inner harmony. My intentions may have been right, but looking back now, I can see past my rose-tinted lenses. I can see how much of that was ego-based, and also, how much energy I spent trying to prove myself to people I knew (or strangers online).

Quick disclaimer: I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with life coaching – I think it’s an admirable career if you’re in it for the right reasons, if you aren’t using it to deflect from your own life or emotional pain (sadly, this is quite common), and if you have another source of income when you’re just starting.

What I’m learning this time around

Job searching is a job in itself, let’s be real.

It’s stressful. It takes time. And when you’re basing your application choices on values instead of desperation, the game changes. You consider more than just a monthly salary. You look deeper – at the values of the company, the people who work there, and the culture.

But also? You look for something that you’re going to (mostly) enjoy. Work takes up a huge chunk of our days and I’ve learned the hard way that this matters so much more than we think it does. Mental health matters.

Am I being picky?

Absolutely. Hiring managers are picky and so should we be. It’s all about knowing what you can bring to the table, I think. For the last few years, I’ve brushed aside my experience and now, as I build back my online presence and freshen up my CV, I see the value I bring.

Still. Having what looks like a recent gap-year is not ideal, but it is life. Things happen. We make mistakes. We learn and we grow. I remember being invited for an interview once just because I ran a gift hamper business. I’m hoping hiring managers will see past the number of roles and look at the quality of my experience. Fingers crossed.

As for staying proactive while trying to stay sane – scouring for good opportunities and preparing to start networking again (gulp), I’m here… getting back to my blogging roots.

Remembering what lights me up

I’ve been wanting to get back to this kind of writing for a while and I’m excited to grow this little space and build my digital library. I want to talk about things that matter to me, intrigue me, inspire me and challenge or change me. Right now, a big part of that is my move away from New Age.

Because while I was in that space (for the last three years), I forgot a few things.

Like the power of human connection – we’re social creatures after all, even if you classify yourself as an introvert. I realised during my recent freelancing roles, that I’m far more enthusiastic and inspired about my work when I’m bouncing ideas across with others (not just ChatGPT).

Work shouldn’t be a schlep or feel like you’re stuck in a cog machine. It’s not separate from us; it’s a very big part of us. It’s where we express and challenge ourselves to become the best versions we can be. So, I’m excited about this next chapter.

My outlook is night and day from a year ago. For instance, I now know there are still great companies out there who care about people as well as profits. I also recognise that job roles give us amazing opportunities to grow personally and professionally. And of course, it’s good to keep the mind busy. Plus, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to a proper holiday. It’s been 10 years. Seriously.

One step at a time

The old me would’ve mentally shredded my current plan to pieces. I’d have allowed myself to get caught up in the competitiveness and craziness that job searching tends to bring. But I’m 42. Not 22. So there’s that. This isn’t a race. I’m looking for a good fit as much as companies are looking for a good candidate. If I’m asked to do a 2-minute Loom video to introduce myself as part of the application process (the latest shortlisting trend), I’d better really want that job.

Especially after I’ve had the last four years working with complete flexibility and freedom. It’s been fun. I’ll probably miss a lot of that. But, my goodness, I’ve missed so many other things, too. Like Slack chats and performance reviews (I’m weird, I know) and free coffee or cool home office equipment. And I miss having a set payday. Yup, I really miss that one.

P.S. I may turn this topic into a mini-series, so if you’re curious to stick around, feel free to follow along for occasional updates.

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Melanie Chisnall

Blogging like it's 2012. Sharing real life, poems and deep dives on topics I care about (like my New Age to Faith journey). Flat white, raw conversations and nature, please.