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Why the Shame Around Unemployment?

If you asked me what I was doing a few months ago, I probably would’ve shifted and nervously whispered that I was “in between” things… That I was “figuring life out.”

I would’ve felt my face burn crimson red from shame, while stumbling to change the subject and divert attention away from me asap. Isn’t it weird how conditioned we’ve become to place our identity in a job title?

Really… Why is it, when we meet people for the first time, we want to know what career they’re in? I’ve always found this equally annoying and strange. Are we not more than the dreams we build for other people 40+ hours a week? Are we not more than what occupies us from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday?

Unemployment is humbling me in ways I never imagined possible.

It’s been interesting. There are so many things I took for granted that I now look at with fresh, more appreciative eyes. Truth be told, the last time I worked full-time was back in early 2021. Since then, I’ve been on retainer and freelancing up until December 2023. Last year, I attempted to build a life coaching business, and well, that obviously didn’t work out so well for many reasons. Praise God.

Because I was dabbling in all sorts of spiritual, occultism and self-healing practices (including shadow work) that I was saved out of. I didn’t know at the time that I was speaking with demons or opening doors to some extremely dark things.

Technically speaking, I’ve been unemployed for about 15 months – although I’ve only been actively looking for a job again for these last three.

Rest assured, there’s reason for everything and every season

This is what I’m reminding myself of often, and praying about. Because life is full of transitional, temporary seasons. We experience different things, come face-to-face with tough challenges, and adjust to whatever we are presented with. We sort of have to.

I know this season of stillness isn’t by accident.

God is using this time to ignite the Holy Spirit inside me – it’s why I’ve been so thirsty to read the Bible every day, to pray, watch online sermons and discover even more joy. Especially when it comes to actively participating in life.

I’m opening up again, after more than three years of closing myself off in person. Because that’s what I was taught in New Age – to isolate. To cut people out of my life with “low energy,” to “protect” myself, or to “raise my consciousness” through meditating and inner child work and light language. Oh my goodness, it looks so different on this side! (The number of relationships I hurt because of my spiritual pride and ego would shock you).

Anyway. That’s not what this post is about. I wanted to share some encouragement around intermittent seasons in life – when we feel lost, in limbo, or uncertain of the next move.

Trusting God has been a game-changer for me.

Along with releasing control (because I tried to control everything for so long and it nearly destroyed me), He’s shown me what’s really important right now.

We need to prepare for what’s coming

If you aren’t familiar with spiritual warfare, or if you look at the world right now and you see nothing wrong with it, this might sound completely crazy to you. But hear me out. Because I’ll be writing about this quite a bit and sharing content around it when I get back to posting regularly on social media.

We are at war.

That’s right. We have an enemy, and his job is to steal our joy, kill our spirits, and destroy our minds. So far, he’s been doing a great job through screens and distractions, keeping us stressed out and overwhelmed, and making us believe we’re creators and to blame for everything that’s going wrong in our lives.

Our world is drastically changing, whether we like it or not. And I believe it’s only going to get worse from here. I used to call myself an idealist and a dreamer. Now? I call myself a realist and a believer. Bible prophecy is playing out as you read this very line.

Being prepared, is knowing Jesus.

Releasing shame one day at a time

Without Him, I’d still be stuck in endless cycles of unhelpful self-healing practices and making agreements with demonic entities, believing I was “embracing” my shadow side. Btw, that’s one of the biggest lies and deceptions in the self-help movement right now.

Without Jesus, I’d still feel constant shame for being unemployed.

I wouldn’t be able to stand tall, raise my chin and tell someone I’d just met with absolute confidence that I’m unemployed. I don’t need to freak out and rush to make other people feel comfortable with the words I say when I’m answering a question honestly.

Jesus has given me more rest, mental stability and comfort in these last few months than I’ve ever experienced in the 42 years I’ve been alive.

That’s no exaggeration!

Without Him, I’d be lost, mentally berating myself and feeling like a complete failure. With Him, I know that things will work out as they are meant to, in the right time.

So, while I continue to look for my next endeavor – whatever God has planned for me, I’m throwing myself into wherever I feel called: The Bible, appreciating the blessings I DO have in my life right now (including my incredible husband and precious good friends), and enjoying extra time in fellowship with some lovely ladies I’ve come to know and lean on.

We are not meant to do hard things alone – or strange/messy middle seasons.

We need each other.

And we need God.

Just because we live in a world run by Satan doesn’t mean we need to give in to the shame and pressure that’s fueled in our society. We don’t need to comply with programmed messages to conform and rush, and panic.

That’s fear, and it’s NOT from God – releasing that is beyond freeing.

The takeaway

We’re all going through something right now. I was reminded of this in my Prayer group this morning, and it made me feel so grateful and supported.

I guess most of us are just so used to pretending and suppressing.

Please, please don’t do that...

If you don’t have a supportive group to share and pray with, I encourage you to seek one out. There’s something incredibly powerful when people come together, witness one another in their humanness, and release control to the One who created us.

We don’t need to do hard things alone.

Also? We don’t need to buy into people’s opinions (like this!) to get answers.

(More on that another day).

Be blessed, friends. x

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Melanie Chisnall

Blogging like it's 2012. Sharing real life and deep dives on topics I care about (like my New Age to Faith journey). Flat white, raw conversations and nature, please.