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Trusting God & Four Weeks Off Instagram

I’m writing a bit about change these days, and that’s because so many things are shifting and I’m excited to share them! It’s been about a month since I took an indefinite hiatus from Instagram, and though I still miss a few interactions there, I have to say, it’s been one of the BEST things I could’ve done, not only for my mental energy but for my spirit.

First off, I didn’t realise how much time I was spending on this app.

Or, how much content and opinions from other people I allowed to fill my mind, and influence or distract me. I was taking in a lot of second-hand information – just like I did for three years in New Age.

There I was, greedily gobbling up one Christian influencer’s reel after the next.


Because, well, that’s exactly what led me to open many demonic doors in the first place – my insatiable thirst for “hidden” knowledge.

I’m not going to go into that now, but I think it’s important that we start talking about it. The fact is, we’re born into war. We’re in a spiritual battle and many people are deceived, oppressed and deliberately pulled away from Jesus.

I was too, for a LONG time.

Spiritual Warfare

Demons are real. I’ve seen them, as a child and as an adult when I first started tinkering with meditation practices. A lot of people don’t like talking about this because they don’t believe in the devil or because they’re afraid it will upset people. Friends, we’ve got to move past feelings and see what’s going on in this world of ours!

The Bible talks about warfare and more – a book I once believed was full of nonsense… a manmade construct designed to control the masses. I don’t believe that anymore.

The Bible is our history.

There’s nothing secret about it! There is no hidden history; it’s there in this library of 66 books written across three continents, over 1600 years, by 40 authors. Just amazing!

I even watched a few documentaries on YouTube about Noah’s Ark. I used to think this was just a silly fabricated story. Well! It’s not. The remains of this incredible ship are on a mountain in Ararat, Turkey. The exploration that’s been done around it by multiple people is astounding, to say the least. WOW! (Check out Ron Wyatt).

This is what should be in schools. The more I read the Bible, the more it comes alive for me. Because it’s Jesus: He IS the Word. He was there from the beginning and He chose to come here in human form, to teach us, lead us, and voluntarily die for our sins on the cross.

From Lukewarm To Heart on Fire

Four weeks off Instagram has given me space to hear God and start learning to understand Him. I needed this. Because I was slipping back into some things… searching and trusting the wrong people. The love I feel for God (who is Jesus, who is the Holy Spirit – one being but three people) is something I never imagined I’d feel.

So when I see people mocking His name in just about every movie or series today, or worse, openly mocking Him like they did at the Paris Olympics opening ceremony (must everything these days have a “woke” agenda?!), I feel a righteous anger. The devil is hard at work. Look at what’s allowed in entertainment, politics, education, the economy, etc. It’s not because God is absent; it’s because Satan runs our world.

When you know this, shocking or strange things don’t surprise you anymore.

Like the push for accepting certain societal narratives, “alien” disclosure or dark and dangerous things, like witchcraft being encouraged by celebrities. (Seriously, what is up with Lady Gaga’s Instagram page? Scary).

Let’s Get Real

If you’ve done research into the entertainment industry and read song lyrics, you’ll see it. It’s obvious when you’re aware and choose to see beyond the illusions and performances.

This is why I’m so picky about what music I listen to.

There’s a lot I’ve deleted off my Spotify playlist and several artists I don’t listen to anymore, who I used to idolise. There’s a lot I don’t watch on TV anymore because I see how dark it is. I see predictive programming in movies. And I believe companies like Netflix are run with certain agendas in mind.

(Does anyone remember the highly controversial, Cuties? Right…)

Why do you think there are so few genuinely wholesome shows?

People want what they’ve been conditioned to want (e.g. watching violence). It’s been subtle and suggestive for a while. But now? It’s just in-your-face obvious.

Relationship vs. Religion

I’m sharing this openly and boldly because, for the last four weeks, I’ve been digging into Bible studies, going to church, and really, just reading the Word and praying daily. I was a lukewarm believer back in 2017/2018 when I got baptised before I lost myself in New Age when I needed to escape my life because I was struggling with so much grief and emotional pain. I read the Bible, but I didn’t ingest it – I didn’t live it.

There was no passion in my heart for God. Lip service? Maybe. But that’s about as far as it went. I didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. And this is where I think a lot of lukewarm Christians fall, and what people in general misunderstand about Christianity.

Jesus is not a religion.

Please, please understand this.

He is LIFE.

Knowing Jesus is a relationship. It’s a stable peace you will NEVER find anywhere else, no matter how many spiritual healing modalities you do. Or how much you manifest, summon, self-heal, balance your chakras, channel with Tarot cards or pendulums, etc. (I tried them ALL and they exhausted me, because there’s always more to do).

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

Why do you think the devil works so hard to make evil look and feel so good?!

Subtle Deception & Lies

We’re told to follow our hearts and “find ourselves.”

And? How does that work out? Because I’ll tell you, it ended in me hearing audible demonic voices and believing I was meant to be a Christian Mystic (basically a psychic who can see and hear the dead) right before I called out to Jesus last year.

We feel lost and we seek to know who we are and why we’re here because we are created in the image of God, and we’ve been separated from that.

We live in a fallen world run by the prince of darkness.

And guess what?

He’s barely hiding anymore. Seriously, just look at some of the fashion shows, festivals and music performances today. Many are dark rituals. The music industry is especially full of it.

I’ve been wanting to talk about many of these things, but I was worried about people’s opinions. I was still caught up in the world; playing to please strangers on my phone instead of pleasing God. Well, no more…

That’s the power of the Holy Spirit. He is always nudging and guiding, because He is our advocate, strengthener and comforter. (How amazing?!) We don’t need to go through life alone, because Jesus gifted us His Spirit. No crazy mastery levels needed! You can have the Holy Spirit in your life the moment you call out to Jesus, confess that you need Him and declare Him your Saviour.

For so long, I thought I was my own saviour.

(Yeah, thanks U2 for that one).

Thank goodness I no longer subscribe to these messages of deception! We NEED Jesus. We need a saviour in this broken world of ours – we can’t do it alone.

Jesus is Life

I could carry on for days about my love for Jesus, I’m sure you can. Time away from social media is amazing! I’ve had more time to connect in person with new friends, read the Bible, study scripture, go to Prayer groups (oh, the power of prayer!) and get closer to God.

I don’t know where He’s leading me, and I’ll be honest, there are times when I get frustrated waiting and wondering when I’ll be ready to move from this hiatus of stillness and start sharing content again. All in due time, that’s where trust and faith come in, as I’m learning. God uses people and situations to reveal things to us.

And, oh my goodness, things are being revealed to me daily… Sometimes quite uncomfortable things, like how full of pride I was, how selfish I was, and how I lacked deep compassion for others, but expected it back. The scales have been lifted from my eyes and I see the emotional and psychological manipulation in the media, in the beauty and food industries, and in celebrity culture.

It’s everywhere.

People wonder why the world looks and feels the way it does, and why more people are mentally checking out or disengaging from loved ones or being indifferent and uncaring.

This World is Not Paradise

That’s why. It’s the devil’s playground. And I don’t know about you, but I’m not about to sit at home, sip tea and wait for the second coming all cozy on my couch. I’m also not going to put fingers in my ears and pretend everything is just fine (hello, spiritual bypassing!)

Because it’s not.

I want more people to experience what I’ve found in these last four months.

After years and years of searching and chasing peace, truth and knowledge in deceptively dark places, I’ve found it. And it was here all along. (We’ve just been lied to).

If you got to the end of this long post, thank you for reading! This was an essay of note. I free-flow wrote this one today because I felt called to, so I hope you got something positive and helpful out of it. Feel free to drop a comment if anything resonated for you! Until my next wave of inspiration, take care friends and be well.

God bless. x

1 John 5: 9
We know that we are of God and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.

Galatians 5:1
It was for this freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

1 Corinthians 2:12
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know and understand the things freely given to us by God.

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Melanie Chisnall

Blogging like it's 2012. Sharing real life and deep dives on topics I care about (like my New Age to Faith journey). Flat white, raw conversations and nature, please.