As it happens, the day after I choose to take an Instagram hiatus, all hell breaks loose.
On 26 February 2025, an AI-generated video was posted on the current US president’s Instagram account about the future of Gaza. We know he’s been talking about evacuating millions of residents so that he can build a luxury Mediterranean beachfront.
Talk about compassion and humanity.
I’m sure many people thought it was just talk.
Despite some of the drastic changes that have swept the US – (and in some cases, had a ripple effect in other countries, like South Africa) – from 20 January 2025 to now, many of those who proudly voted to “Make America Great Again” were still smiling.
Well, about that…
After yesterday’s post, the scales are lifting from many eyes.
I don’t want to talk about how “bad” or “good” a politician is. Because, in my opinion, I don’t believe anyone at the top genuinely has people’s best interests at heart. I think God chooses to use certain people to bring about certain events – many of which are prophesised in the Bible. But I don’t think ANY human being is a savior to mankind. That honour belongs to Jesus and Jesus alone.
Sadly, many people were fooled and believed the lies and promises. Some still do. It breaks my heart a little to see the betrayal many MAGA supporters are dealing with mentally right now. They feel like they’ve been played.
And they likely have.
That’s how politics works, I’m sorry to say. We’re not supposed to put our faith in people; we’re supposed to put it in God. I have empathy for the supporters in a strange way, because when I was deep into New Age and not in a good mental space, I dipped into Q-Anon for a few weeks – and let me tell you, they worship the man like he’s a god.
It’s disturbing.
I’ve researched a lot about why people fall for lies and get into cults like Q-Anon. It’s very interesting. Maybe a conversation for another day. I will say this: not everyone who voted for Mr. T is a bad person. Some were desperate – and emotionally depleted from everything that had happened to them and the world since 2020. Maybe some were tired of certain progressive movements that target children (that are celebrated and encouraged as woke and liberating). Maybe some were tired of being called “conspiracy theorists” for things that DO happen. Evil, horrific things you won’t find broadcast in the media.
Not everyone who chose the “red side” is a hateful, racist, sexist person.
This world is not right and it hasn’t been for a long time. Vile agendas and psychological agendas infest it. It runs on emotional manipulation – on cleverly designed campaigns backed by millions of dollars, tugging on vulnerable minds and broken hearts, people aching for a sliver of hope. People who don’t know Jesus.
People who don’t know anything about spiritual warfare.
So, if you haven’t watched the Trump Gaza video yet, I urge you to. It’s important. For whatever reason – and again, maybe God is using Mr. T for a reason – his marketing team chose to post it, and it’s causing a violent emotional reaction from all sides.
(Including those who voted for him).
The piece that stuck with me is the frame of a gigantic golden statue of Mr. T (for worship, no doubt). That alone should raise alarm bells – there are so many sickening things in this video that I don’t even know how to write about it, let alone process it.
Judging by the comments section, I’d say plenty of people are feeling this way.
We need to. We need to get righteously angry and understand what we are dealing with here. This is not just a billionaire playing around. This goes deeper. It gives me hope to see so many people speaking out about this and refusing to stay silent.
Here are a few IG comments from the Trump Gaza video:
I’ve always considered myself a strong Republican, but watching this really made me think. The elites are out there sipping cocktails on land that was torn apart by war, while regular people like us struggle every day, blaming immigrants for problems we didn’t even create. Feels like we’ve been played.
This video is truly horrifying. They are dancing and celebrating over the bodies of innocent children who were killed. It’s as if the sacrifice of these children was made for their God Satan, and now they are rejoicing over their graves.
As a trump supporter, horrible post.
This is Satanic. Please take it down. Almighty God will not stand for this. Have you read the Bible?
Donald we didn’t vote for this. Don’t piss us off.
Trump is different.
I have no words. You took an international conflict that has potential to become WWIII and you made an AI song about it. This makes me sick.
I think we found the apparent line with Trump voters. Jesus that look a while.
During the campaign, Trump said that Gaza would make a great place for a beach resort. Yall thought he was lying.
Final thoughts
Whether you believe we’re in the end times or not, you have to admit that things are ramping up, and they’re getting really strange and dark. Many people hoped that someone mistakenly shared the post or that a hacker compromised his account. Unlikely. There’s a brand new post out today and the comment section on that one is just as illuminating.
People are waking up.
And look, I’m going to be honest. I think elections are a sham (in every country). I believe they perform to keep the masses entertained, and I think a very small board chooses the elect way beforehand. Sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory, doesn’t it? When you’ve dug into deep rabbit holes and followed the money, I promise you, things like this disgusting video won’t surprise you.
We’re living through strange times, friends.
All I can say is, I think the time for prayer is now.
Our world needs divine intervention.
We NEED a saviour.
And no, that saviour is certainly not us (I think that’s pretty clear by now).
It’s also not aliens or galactic beings (aka demons/fallen angels).
I wish I had something more uplifting to end on, but this is what I have today. I’m still trying to digest that video and hold down the rising bile in my throat.
If you haven’t seen it yet, here it is.
I want to clarify what I meant earlier by the attack on children’s minds. Here are some eye-opening videos if you’re interested in learning more.
The propaganda of child sexualisation in schools:
- 1 Month ago: Mom confronts board for approving books with sexually explicit images
- 1 Year ago: 11-Year old reads disturbing book found in the library
- 2 Years ago: Mom speaks out about sexually graphic books at her children’s school
- 3 Years ago: Parents demand the removal of pornographic books in schools
There are PLENTY more.
I say this with love. This world is not the world we think it is. And people in positions of power rarely are who they say they are. Yes, even those who appear “perfect” and “good.” Even those who pretend to care. There’s big business in creating public personas that people fall in love with, who do horrific things in the shadows.
The more ugliness I see in the world, the more deception I see (around AI and UBI), the tighter I hold onto my Bible, and the more frequently I pray.
It’s going to be okay, I truly do believe this.
God has already won. Love wins. I think we’re in for more shocks and devastation, things that ultimately need to happen (some things that reek of desperation, for sure).
But this isn’t the end.
There IS hope.
I have hope that in the wake of the shatterings ahead, we all remember that there was and always is a light in this world… A Truth and a way. His name is Jesus.
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